Career Plans4all

RIASEC Codes overview

discover your riasec or holland code!

The RIASEC (Holland) Code interest areas match interests to careers and college majors.

RIASEC (Holland) Codes or Work Interest Areas

The RIASEC (Holland) Code/ Work Interest Areas are:

  • Realistic

  • Investigative

  • Artistic

  • Social

  • Enterprising

  • Conventional

Realistic Careers

Realistic is one of the RIASEC Codes. Realistic types prefer to deal with Things.

  • A person with a Realistic Personality tends to be frank, practical, focused, mechanical, determined, or rugged.

  • Examples of Realistic Abilities include manipulating tools, doing mechanical or manual tasks, or doing athletic activities.

Investigative Careers

Investigative is one of the RIASEC Codes. Investigative types prefer to deal with Things and Ideas.

  • A person with an Investigative Personality tends to be analytical, intellectual, reserved, independent, and scholarly.

  • Examples of Investigative Abilities include working with abstract ideas and intellectual problems.

Artistic Careers

Artistic is one of the RIASEC Career Types. Artistic types prefer to deal with Ideas and People.

  • A person with an Artistic Personality tends to be Complicated, Original, Impulsive, Independent, Expressive, and Creative.

  • Examples of Artistic Abilities include using imagination and feelings in creative expression.

Social Careers

Social is one of the RIASEC Codes. Social types prefer to deal with People.

  • A person with a Social Personality tends to be Helping, Informing, Teaching, Inspiring, Counseling, and Serving.

  • Examples of Social Abilities include interacting with people and concerned with the welfare of people.

Enterprising Careers

Enterprising is one of the RIASEC Codes. Enterprising types prefer to deal with Data and People.

  • A person with an Enterprising Personality tends to be Persuasive, Energetic, Sociable, Adventurous, Ambitious, and Risk-taking.

  • Examples of Enterprising Abilities include leading, managing, and organizing.

Conventional Careers

Conventional is one of the RIASEC Codes. Conventional types prefer to deal with Data and Things.

  • A person with a Conventional Personality tends to be Careful, Conforming, Conservative, Conscientious, Self-controlled, and Structured.

  • Examples of Conventional Abilities include ordering activities paying attention to details.

RIASEC/Holland Codes Career Tests

Here are examples of RIASEC/ Holland Codes career tests.

Explore Careers and College Majors
Format: On-Line
Reading Level: Youth/ Adult
Subject Area: RIASEC Codes, Interests, Abilities/Skills, Values
Databases: Occupations and Colleges/ Universities

RIASEC Interest Inventory
Format:  On-Line
Reading Level: Youth/ Adult
Subject Area: RIASEC Codes, Interests, Occupations

Strong Interest Inventory®
Format: On-Line
Reading Level: Youth/ Adult
Subject Area: RIASEC Codes, Interests, Occupations

About Holland Codes

Dr. John L. Holland (1985) created RIASEC (Holland) Code Hexagon Model or RIASEC (Holland) Codes.

Fireman - Realistic
surgeon - investigative
artist - artistic
announcer - social
hair stylist - enterprising
receptionist - conventional